Sunday, February 17, 2013

Time flies...

Its already 48 days into 2013 and honestly I still remember lots of things that happened last year and it still feels like they were only last week. I'm having really mixed feelings about uni starting soon. I guess I'm excited that its starting and will welcome some form of routine back into my life. Not really looking forward to the 6.30 7.00 alarm wakes though. I think as each day goes by, it really starts to sink in that so many of the people are laving; people I have come to know in the past 6 years and for many, that I've gotten to know so much better in the past 1-2 years. Most importantly someone who's friendship I find a great an immeasurable value in. I don't think I've had that many people I've truly been able to "close friends" as such and even amongst them not many know me as well and as deep as you do so yea..I'm going to really miss you but I hope you have lots of fun and enjoy studying at Monash :) You better come back and visit! :P